Friday, May 29, 2009


Yesterday was my birthday, it was a neutral one. I wasn't too sure what to think. I had finals all day and listened to voicemails and read texts in between the bathroom stalls during Spanish, all wishing me happiness and joy. But all I really wanted was to be with them, my good'ol pals from far far away (40 miles).

I kept the date on the down low, and somehow a few people at ma school figured it out. But I still missed thee old wonderful city, and cried out of being so lonely and such an independent asshole. I know somewhere inside of me I wanted some people to know it was my birthday, but i didn't have the selfishness to announce it to the world. But ffrom my friends I received earrings, bracelets, funny ghetto-cool cards, chocolate, and wishes. Apparently I'm starting to look my age, because before the family would guess my age about a few years too much, now they're under-guessing.

But I loved my family, and I can't believe I actually slept for my two hours of freedom.
It started like this:
-Ditched neighbors to walk around for a few hours
-Ate jack in the box with $2.89 in hand
-Sat, listened to music
-Walked to the skatepark, got a 50cent icee thing
-Went home
-Did nothing, sister & cousin came home, wished me happy birthdays (includ.lil louie)
-Nour gave me my gift from her & Cleo, and told me she was sorry she forgot bout the day
-Mom came home, comforted things, watched tv, fell asleep
-Woke up super sleepy two hours later, find that Cleo had stopped bye, but decided not to wake me up, even though she walked hours to my house and left a funny card
-I was mad at myself for wasting my day
-Went to Tio Max's, his birthday also, received gifts (moneymoneymoney)
-I love my mother & my father very merry much

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